Our Service
Comprehensive Oral Health Assessment and Treatment
At Cumberland Animal Clinic, we are proud to offer thorough dental health services for your pet. We provide Comprehensive Oral Health Assessment and Treatment (COHAT) for your pets.
Comprehensive Oral Health Assessment and Treatment
A Comprehensive Oral Health Assessment and Treatment or COHAT starts with a doctor’s evaluation of pre-surgical lab work and health history prior to anesthesia as well as a pre-anesthetic physical exam. The COHAT is performed while your pet is carefully monitored under general anesthesia. Our doctors will assess the health of the whole mouth with a thorough oral exam, probing of every tooth, in combination with dental X-rays to assess hidden dental and/or bone disease below the gum line. We also assess the mouth for any hidden, traumatic, or cancerous processes. Our doctors will then create a post-procedural treatment plan for each patient, which includes pain management, feeding instructions, and recheck exams as needed.
Periodontal disease is a common disease in our patients. Bacteria infects the structures that hold the teeth in place, causing destruction of gum tissue and bone. This is painful and leads to tooth decay and loss.
Dogs and cats can also develop tooth resorption, a very painful condition that causes destruction of the tooth. This condition may start at the tooth roots and later extend to the crown, thereby going undetected if dental X-rays are not performed. The affected teeth may need to be extracted to remove the source of pain.
One of the more common problems we see in our patients is fractured teeth. Unfortunately, our pets cannot tell us if they have a painful mouth. Most dogs and cats will continue to eat and act normally, so their families have no idea that they are in pain and discomfort. If the pulp cavity is exposed, these teeth are painful and will need to be addressed with either extraction or root canal treatment. Dental X-rays help us determine whether the fractured tooth can be treated or whether extraction is the best option. We hear from pet parents on a regular basis how much better their pet feels after a COHAT, as hidden disease is treated, and painful conditions are alleviated.
Several oral conditions can go undetected without a complete COHAT that includes dental X-rays. Dental cleanings make the teeth look cleaner, help the pet’s breath smell better, and (if performed correctly) will prevent progression of periodontal disease over time. However, if we do not perform dental X-rays, your pet will go home with clean teeth, but may continue to have a hidden painful tooth with infection and/or resorption. A COHAT performed by one of our veterinarians can find any problem that cleaning alone cannot. Based on their findings, our doctors will develop a plan to treat dental problems before they become more advanced, optimizing the treatment for the health and comfort of each patient.
Please reach out to our team to get a COHAT scheduled for your pet!
Veterinary Services
Below are all of the veterinary services we offer at Cumberland Animal Clinic.
Pet Wellness and Preventative Health Care
Pet Digital Radiology
Pet Dental Care
Pet End of life Counseling and Palliative Care
Pet Microchipping
Pet Ultrasound
Pet Nutritional Counseling
Pet House Call services
Pet Diagnostic Laboratory Services
Pet Surgical Services
Pet Behavior Counseling
Pet In-house Pharmacy